Peonies (Paeonia) is one of the most beautiful and most magnificent perennials grown in the gardens. They have decorative flowers and leaves. They are a symbol of happiness, wealth and prosperity. They can certainly lay claim to the title "Queens Gardens". Type Paeonia covers approx 40 species and approx 3,000 varieties of peonies. Most of them are perennial peonies, smaller part is not high bushes. As a result of interbreeding herbaceous peonies with shrubby, there is a new species - Itoh.
Chinese Peonies can be divided in terms of flower construction:
- Peonies with spherical - inflorescences filled evenly distributed petals of similar size;
- Peonies half full - in addition to also develop a broad petals well visible stamens;
- Peonies Anemone - have one or more verticillatum wide petals, and in the middle you can see writ large, wide petals stamens;
- Peonies Japanese - they develop one or more verticillatum impressive flakes, and in the middle there, often contrasting colored, narrow petals rods;
- Peonies single - stamens in the middle of the ordinary
Peonies like light. They grow best in full sun or light shade - then they bloom longer. They do not like competition of trees, shrubs - as they will then suffer due to excessive drought and lack of nutrients in the soil . Best place should be located so that the plant is not exposed to strong winds, causing overturning flowers and breaking out shoots. Peonies are long-lived plants, so you can enjoy them in one place, even for several years. Peonies can grow in any good garden soil. The most preferred clay soil - sandy, well and deeply cultivated, sufficiently moist rich in humus. On sandy soils the plants produce more shoots and leaves, but they bloom less. The pH of the medium should range between 6 and 7 pH.
The best time for planting peony is autumn. A very important factor influencing the timing and abundance of flowering peonies is the depth of planting. Buds planted plants (depending on variety) should be located at a depth of 3 to 5 cm below the ground surface.
Gray mold (botrytis Paeoniae) produces the following symptoms: drying of young shoots, browning and dieback of buds, gray bloom on shoots, leaves. A disease conducive to high humidity, the density of plants or excess nitrogen taken from the soil by the plant. Shock stems at the bottom of favors too heavy, impermeable soil. Diseased parts of the plant should be removed and smoke. After confirmation of disease symptoms plants sprayed one of fungicides: Biosept 33 SL (0.05%), Rovral Flo 255 SC (0.2%), Sumilex 500 SC (0.1%), Teldor 500 SC (0.1%) . If necessary, repeat the treatment after 10 days. Measures used alternately.
Peonies rust (Cronartium asclepiadeum) on the leaves appear unevenly distributed, brown or orange, purple bordered spots. Infected leaves rust twist, dry and die .To prevent rust can not be allowed to excessive soil moisture and plant density. Diseased parts of the plant should be removed and burned. After confirmation of disease symptoms plants need to be spray by one of fungicides: Amistar 250 SC (0.1%), Score 250 EC (0.05%).
Leaf spot and shoot (cladosporium Paeoniae) on the top side bottom leaves appear shiny, dark red stains, and on the lower tan. Grouped at the top or at the edge of the leaf. At the young shoots appear oval, reddish-brown spots. After some time spots change color to brown and the surface is slightly sunken. In late summer or autumn to remove dried-ground parts. Plants pruned low over the surface of the substrate. After confirmation of disease symptoms plants sprayed several times every ten days, alternately using means Bravo 500 SC (0.2%), Discus 500 WG (0.03%), Sarfun 500 SC (0.1%), Topsin M 500 SC (0.1%).
Peonies tolerate periodic droughts. However, in long, hot, dry season, period, in particular during abundant flowering is required to water the plants at 7 to 10 days single dose of about 20 liters of water per plant. You have to remember that when watering not to wet the leaves. Avoid watering the flowers. From the moment of the appearance of the first buds to fully flowers bloom and later when creating the buds which grow shoots in the next year, and so from mid-July to early August.
Mineral fertilization applied in the spring before the vegetation. They can fertilize multicomponent mineral fertilizers. To the end of June, the plants can fertilize several times multicomponent liquid fertilizers. Fertilizer is spread around the plants and raking lightly from the ground.To increase the humus in the ground apply more organic fertilizer before planting. phosphorus and potassium these ingredients promote flowering. If necessary, you can use nitrogen fertilizers in small doses, no later than the beginning of summer, the shoots had time to enter into dormancy before winter.
We do not cut the stems immediately after flowering, but we do so in the autumn (in October), when the shoots peonies are broken, discolored yellow, red or brown cut the right on the same ground, urn all parts of the plants ,do not compost. It stops to get diseases in the next year. In the first year after planting it is recommended to protect plants from frost. The material used for covering should be quite breezy, geotextile. In the spring cover should be removed.